Thursday 24 November 2011


Hi everyone

Has anyone else tried this pasta sauce from Aldi's? Only 18p a jar.I thought i would try it out and use instead of tinned tomatoes at 31p a tin. So two jars of sauce instead of two tins tomatoes, one large pack of mince, onion, mushrooms, carrots and green pepper ( had one lurking in the fridge). Added extra garlic, oregano and tomatoe puree  and crushed pepper corns for added taste. then into the slow cooker for 3 hours. I have to say it smelt wonderful.

Now all in trays (recycled of course) ready for the freezer. I got 4 good 2 person portions.

I costed this out and it comes to less than 50p per one person portion. Not too bad. could have been less if I had used more veg to stretch it further but I have to think of O/H who does like his meat.
See you all soon. Best wishes wannabe frugal.

Tuesday 22 November 2011


A year ago this little sweetie wandered in to our lives via the french windows.Very thin and scruffy looking. After asking around we found out that he was homeless and although i had said i would not have another cat, he worked his way into my heart. We called him Crybaby now shortened to Baby. I have never known such a vocal cat with the full range of meows. Now a year later he is a nice healthy cat and so affectionate. always purring and loves to be petted. We don't know how old he is but no spring chicken, so at least he now has a good old age to look forward to as we look him dearly. Only i do wish someone would tell him we are supposed to be on a budget. My own fault i have spoilt him but he repays me with so much affection.
bye for now will be back soon Wannabe frugal

Sunday 20 November 2011


We ventured out for a shopping trip yesterday. Yes, we went the frugal route. first stop was a small table fair where i found this little beauty for the massive sum of 20p!!!!! So sweet and i think is from the 1950's, all complete with candles, glass baubles and bells. Reminded me that  i have 2 brass reindeer put away that i bought at the local bootfair in the summer. Just got to remember where i tucked them away.

I also went mad and bought these beads etc., all at 20p a piece.

and this little touch of vintage glamour

A pure silk hand rolled edge scarf for £1. Signed in the corner "Thirkell of Old Bond Street". Lovely colour and design. Can't wait to wear it. I buy very few clothes but pretty scarves and beads can change the look of an outfit for very little.

After this we parked the car just outside of the town centre and walked in. Saved £2.20p on car parking!!!  A little wander around but all we bought was 3 items in Poundland -

Can of WD - 40. car sponges and a stocking filler book for a 9 year old, at that age they enjoy all those gross out things. And we managed to get 2 boxes of the half price PG Tips teabags in Morrison's.

Then it was back home for a welcome cup of coffee. I felt very virtuous as i managed to stay out of all the clothes shops and didn't feel tempted or that i was missing out.

Well off to hang out the towels in the brilliant sunshine we have today (long may it last). Bye for now.

Friday 4 November 2011


FREE -Big bowl of cookers from a friend so yummy apple fritters on Sunday and the rest i will cook and freeze for apple crumble etc.

PRETTY CHEAP - Had to do a bit of shopping in Morrison's last night and they were reducing items. bougth two chicken balti pies and a large stir fry for less than a pound so that's dinner tonight sorted. It was going to be sausage and mash but that will wait for another night. I do a menu each week but try to be flexible when a bargain comes along. We have a strict budget of £35 a week for food, cleaning products and catfood so it has to stretch a long way.